Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The BIG race!

The Young men in my parents ward decided to have a no rules Pine Wood Derby. it was so fun!

Spencer threw his together in an hour. It would of won if he could of kept it on the track. He put two CO2 cartridges in the back. it was so powerful it would just fly off, do a flip, and crash off the track. but it was pretty good for having an hour notice.

All of those cars are Masons and Mckays. some old ones and some new.

Tanner made his into a Remote Control Pine Wood derby car it one first place! it was so fast.

I don't think from the looks on there faces that they liked my car. Its a Pink Sparkly Stiletto

Spencer hitting the CO2 cartridges with a hammer and nail.

1 comment:

kacie said...

Looks like fun! You guys are so cute.